Balsall Heath Community Cycle Club – winner

Volunteer Awards 2018
Cycling Development Officer Vanessa Morris and Tasleem Iqbal
Balsall Heath Community Cycle Club is 2018’s winner in the Best Cycling Group category for Cycling UK’s Volunteers of the Year Awards

Balsall Heath CCC, Birmingham, is now over a year old and after an initial slow start is going from strength to strength.

After a launch event that took place in May 2017 at a nearby mosque, the club was inundated with inquiries from people wanting to join. Membership jumped from 60 to 125 within the space of 12 months.

It is and always has been very involved in the local community – the Saturday Ride Active Sessions are run at the mosque with British Cycling, and are very popular. The club also frequently works with other clubs around Birmingham, including Gear Up Bike Shop, Ashiana Community Project and B10 Community Cycle Club.

Balsall Heath also very generously provides facilities and training for Cycling UK training sessions, and has been involved in Cycling UK’s Big Bike Revival this year by hosting our ‘knees up’ launch event on the anniversary of Balsall Heath’s first ride!

Balsall Heath is known to be accommodating and helpful to anyone who wants to cycle. In addition, it is proactive in its approach and inclusive in its outlook. Cycling UK are pleased to recognise Balsall Heath CCC in this year’s Volunteers of the Year Awards.

Members of Balsall Heath receive the 'Best Cycling Group' award

Tasleem Iqbal, the club’s secretary, said of the win: “We were shocked as it was a total surprise for us, but felt immensely proud for the entire club as all the volunteers have made this achievement possible.”

Alex Cuppleditch, head of volunteering at Cycling UK, said: “The brilliant volunteers behind Balsall Heath Community Cycle Club are proactive and inclusive, helping anyone who is interested in getting on a bike. They have found a fantastic formula for success, and the club is a worthy winner of the ‘Best Cycling Group’ title.”

Cycling UK’s Volunteer of the Year Awards are given annually to recognise and celebrate all the incredible work volunteers do in encouraging others to start cycling and keep cycling.