Electric bikes and e-cycles advice

Three women are cycling along an urban road on e-cargo bikes. One has a child on the back of the bike. They are all wearing normal clothes and cycling helmets. There's a white car and trees in the background
Do you need a little extra assistance when cycling? An electric bike could be the answer. An e-cycle provides an added boost, helping people new to cycling to improve their health and fitness and allowing current cyclists to go further, carry a heavy load or maintain a faster pace

The e-bike positive campaign

E-cycling can change lives, save money, cut carbon, and boost health. Recent studies have highlighted that 1 in 4 UK adults have considered purchasing an electric bike.

Cycling UK is supporting the e-bike positive campaign, reassuring the UK public that e-bikes and batteries from reputable manufacturers are safe and provide many benefits.

To find an e-bike positive retailer or mechanic, and for more information on the e-bike positive campaign visit ebikepositive.co.uk

Making cycling e-asier

This exciting project encourages people to take up cycling by offering free e-cycle loans, along with free skills and confidence sessions, at selected locations in England.