Local groups and cycling clubs

Cycling UK has a network of around 1,000 cycling groups across the UK; we help support them to enable millions more people to cycle. Below you’ll find all the information and advice you need to find, join or even set up your own cycling club

Being a member of a cycling club offers all kinds of benefits. You’ll get to meet like-minded people who provide motivation, mutual support and companionship. You’ll be able to share your love of cycling, whether that’s for leisure, exploration, racing or just to sample the local coffee shops. But most of all it’s fun!

We make it easy for you to find, join or set up one near you. Cycling UK member groups benefit from free organisers’ liability insurance, legal assistance, discounted individual membership, your own page within our website, bi-monthly Cycle magazine and more. Affiliate groups are also covered by our insurance and have a page on our website.

A Cycling UK member group all together posing for a photo

Find your local cycling group

Cycling UK has over 800 member and affiliated groups across the UK, offering thousands of rides and events which cater for all types of riding and abilities – there’s sure to be one near you.

Cycling UK members can ride with any member group, while non-members are welcome to try out riding with one of our groups. Please check the requirements of affiliate groups in case you need to pre-book or become a member prior to joining an event.

Member and affiliate groups

Member groups are an integral part of Cycling UK, run for and by our members.

As a local group, they receive funding, guidance and insurance from Cycling UK and provide a range of rides and events for our members and the public. 

Affiliate groups are independent groups which have taken out a rolling group affiliation membership with Cycling UK. They vary from traditional cycling clubs to community cycling clubs to one-off events and businesses.

Both types of group benefit from Organisers’ Liability cover for up to £10m.

This will cover club officials, ride leaders, event organisers and other volunteers against any claims made against them while carrying out their volunteer roles. Groups can also create their own webpage within Cycling UK’s website.

Training and courses

Cycling UK offers a range of courses for members and member groups. Our ride leader training for member groups is an online course that will give participants the skills and confidence needed to run successful and enjoyable group rides.

It has been designed by qualified cycle instructors and experienced ride leaders, and fully tested and reviewed by a team of volunteer course reviewers. To take part, please send your name, membership number and the member group you lead rides for to volunteering@cyclinguk.org.

Find out more about all our courses and training.