Community Cycle Clubs step up for Let’s Ride Birmingham

Community Cycle Club volunteers man the Cycling UK stall
Cycling UK’s Community Cycle Club volunteers were out in force in Birmingham at Let’s Ride, an event to promote cycling in the city

Thousands of cyclists flooded the streets of Birmingham last Sunday, 10 June, for the city’s second annual Let’s Ride cycle event in glorious sunshine. Dozens of Birmingham’s central streets were closed off to traffic to make way for cycling, with people being able to stop off on route for street performances, pop-up bikes shops and community stalls.

Cycling UK was well represented throughout the day, as Birmingham’s Community Cycle Clubs turned out in force to volunteer their time and promote the charity to those cycling by.

Out on the Let's Ride Birmingham route

Vanessa Morris, cycling development officer for Birmingham, said: “It was non-stop all day – helped by the weather of course! Our community hub at Calthorpe Park was fabulous and really well received. We were inundated with enquiries all day and the Community Cycle Club volunteers worked tirelessly.”

The Community Cycle Club volunteers on the stall included representatives from B10, Share, Balsall Heath, Gear Up and Ashiana. A highlight for the team was getting to meet six-time Olympic champion Sir Chris Hoy, and Paralympic gold medallist Helen Scott, who were supporting the event.

Sir Chris Hoy and Helen Scott visit the Cycling UK stall

Additionally, members from Joyful Bellas and Fellas, Sara Park, Handsworth BTS, Leisure Forum, Start Again and Gorilla Coffee rode the route to promote their clubs.

Steve Hollingworth, service director for sport, events, open space and wellbeing at Birmingham City Council, said: “Events like this also play an important role in terms of inspiring and encouraging more people in the city to take up cycling, either recreationally or as an everyday way to travel, bringing both health and environmental benefits.”