Diss Cyclathon – winner

Volunteer Awards 2018
Diss Cyclathon
Diss Cyclathon is 2018’s winner in the Best Cycling Event category for Cycling UK’s Volunteer of the Year Awards

Diss Cyclathon is an annual one-day cycling event in June that takes over the small market town of Diss with fun for all ages.

It’s been running for three years, and every year it’s become bigger and better – but the main aim remains the same; to show everyone the joys of cycling in the Norfolk and Suffolk countryside at its most beautiful. All profit from the event is distributed to local charities and other cycling organisations.

Just last year, donations from the Cyclathon paid for every paper boy and girl to have a free bike service and new safety kit in anticipation of the winter weather. The money was also used to help a local cyclist and his disabled son afford an upgrade for his damaged bike.

This year, Diss Cyclathon has already donated some of its raised funds to the East Anglian Air Ambulance Charity.

In view of its consistent celebration of cycling and the possibilities that cycling offers everyone, Cycling UK is proud to recognise the work of Diss Cyclathon in our 2018 Volunteer of the Year Awards.

Alan Franks receiving the award for Diss Cyclathon

Alan Franks of Diss Cyclathon said: “We were delighted and very surprised that Diss Cyclathon was named Best Cycling Event.

“The event runs annually and tries to celebrate everything that’s great about cycling in Norfolk and Suffolk, getting hundreds of riders, young and old, out on their bikes in the beautiful countryside around Diss.

“That Cycling UK had even heard about us was quite amazing. That they felt we deserved an award like this is truly humbling and it means so much to all the team and volunteers that make Diss Cyclathon happen.”

Cycling UK’s Volunteer of the Year Awards are given annually to recognise and celebrate all the incredible work volunteers do in encouraging others to start cycling and keep cycling.