Dr Katie Walter – winner

Volunteer Awards 2018
Dr Katie Walter at the WheelNess Launch in June 2018
Dr Katie Walter is 2018’s winner in the Outstanding Campaigning Individual category for Cycling UK’s Volunteer of the Year Awards

Dr Katie Walter, along with Mick Heath, created a cycling group, Green CHIPS (Cycle to Health in Inverness – Patients and Staff) to combat the poor cycling provision in the area.

There were three parts to her strategy:

  1. Improve cycling infrastructure at all 10 practices in Inverness
  2. Find a way of taking frail and elderly patients for wellbeing rides into green spaces
  3. Encourage patients with inactive lifestyles to become active with the help of trained ride and walk leaders

She has succeed on most points, and then some – seven bike shelters have been accepted, 400 elderly passengers have been taken on outings to Inverness’ green spaces, and walk leaders have been trained ready to help patients get moving.

Her work has been a deciding factor for siting Cycling UK’s flagship WheelNess project in Inverness, providing up to 150 new bikes for those in transport poverty.

Her hard work has been an asset to her community and we are proud to recognise her achievements.

Cycling UK’s Volunteer of the Year Awards are held annually to recognise and celebrate all the incredible work volunteers do in encouraging others to start cycling and keep cycling.