Space for Cycling campaign tools

The Space for Cycling campaign is implemented by local groups with support from Cycling UK
The Space for Cycling campaign is a national campaign implemented by local people. As the national cycling charity, we aim to make local campaigning as easy as possible. Below are a series of guides to help you work with your council to achieve Space for Cycling.

As transport is devolved to local authorities, we rely on local people and campaign groups to work with councils around the country to achieve the campaign's aims. 

We have produced a series of guides that aim to help campaigners - and enthusiastic councillors - get cycling on the local political agenda. 

Many of the guides have been written in a way that is geared towards getting a Space for Cycling motion passed, however they can be used much more broadly. 

Space for Cycling draft motion

Getting your council to pass a motion to support Space for Cycling can be a highly effective way of getting some committed funding for cycling and some infrastructure on the ground. Local authorities such as Cheshire East, Manchester City and Brighton & Hove have already used this to good effect. With a bit of work - and some guidance from Cycling UK (see below) - you may be able to get your council to follow suit. 

Draft letter to councillors

This is a draft letter we have written for you to send to councillors who you think may want to submit the Space for Cycling draft motion. It is generic and - if possible - would probably appear stronger with some edits to reflect the local context. 

Understanding your local authority

Transport is devolved to local authorities, so some understanding of what different tiers of local government do can be very important. This guide sets out which local government organisations are responsible for what and who within those organisations may be able to support you.

Communicating with your councillors

Communicating with your councillors may sound intimidating but it needn't be. Your councillors are elected to represent you and so should want to hear your views. This is a short guide to help you communicate effectively.

Working with your council to get a motion passed

Getting a motion passed can be a highly effective way of getting your council to commit to creating Space for Cycling. This guide sets out some of the complexities of local policy making and the dynamics that local politics can play. 

Getting and demonstrating public support

There are various ways of getting and demonstrating public support for your campaign. The following guide sets out a few methods used by local campaign groups. Give them a go but don't limit yourself. Be creative - and let us know what has worked for you!

Form a cycle campaign group

Having a group serves many purposes. It instantly shows that the support for your campaign goes beyond just one individual. You are also able to share jobs, which means you can get more done, maintain energy and not burn out.

Working with the media

The media have a profound effect on public opinion and policy. As a campaigner, you want as many positive stories about what you are doing in the press as possible. This is a basic guide to making that happen.

Create a cycle network 'tube map'

Cycle tube maps are a useful lobbying tool to illustrate easily to local decision-makers where a desired network of infrastructure is best placed and what the current quality of the network is. Local authorities across the country are being asked to draw up network maps to support funding bids (Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans). By drawing a tube map, you are starting the work for your local authority.