Alford 1940's Weekend 11th August 2024

Group of people riding
Cycling UK Louth Ride to Alford, Sunday 11th August 2024
Ride Report by John Rickett:
With the prospect of a warm, sunny and dry day, there was no shortage of attendees for the planned ride to Alford 1940's weekend; apart that is, from our leader who had been summoned to sip champagne and eat cake at his nephew's wedding reception in Wiltshire.
Meeting up at the Meridian Centre for an 0930 departure were Rob Cook, Sven Livesey, Martin Wood, Steve Croton and John Rickett. We were joined along the route by Chris Owen and Alan Hockham. The plan was to call and see Paul Linder at his house and then walk into the centre of Alford to view the wartime displays.
Outbound we took the familiar route of Stewton Lane, Legbourne Furze, Little Carlton, Authorpe and Claythorpe Mill where because of the rising temperature and developing thirsts, we decided that a drink and perhaps cake should not be passed up. Luck was on our side as the staff somehow got the orders incorrect and two extra coffees arrived, to be gratefully accepted by two of the members who had initially decided to forego the delights of freshly ground coffee.
From Claythorpe, despite the (not particularly strong) south easterly wind it was a relatively short run to Alford. Turning onto the main road into town, the traffic had just about ground to a halt but with a bit of skullduggery we beat most of the cars into the centre and headed to Paul's where not only were coffee cups already lined up, but fresh-out-of-the-oven scones as well. It’s good to see that the mere handicap of a broken leg wasn't going to stop the bakery expert from weaving his magic.
Paul kindly let us leave our bikes at his house while we walked the short distance back to the centre and join the crowd. The market place was positively heaving with the appropriately dressed officers and their wives mixing with the visitors and the owners of quite a few well polished vintage vehicles. Pride of place went to the full size Spitfire replica looking every bit like a real one and reminding everyone what a small aircraft it was compared to its modern counterparts but whose contribution to the war effort made Adolf change his mind about invading our shores. Among the many high ranking officers (were they really?) just one army private was spotted - well done that man.
Not wanting to buy, or indeed have the room to carry any of the wares of the traders, we made our way back to Paul's house. From there the merry group disbanded to follow their own routes home, Sven and John returning to Louth via Rigsby, Belleau Bridge, Muckton and Little Cawthorpe.
There was only ta wisp of cloud the whole day, fortunately the breeze off the sea kept the temperature within manageable limits. I'm sure the organisers of the Alford 1940's weekend breathed a sign of relief, a good time being had by all.
Photos courtesy of Sven Livesey
Rob Cook's Relive flythrough video: