Wending our way to Winslow

On the way back in Aston Abbotts

Eight people met at Berkhamsted station for a trip to the famous pie pub in Winslow. It was good to see Murray again after his recent broken ankle incident. We climbed up to Shootersway then passed through Cholesbury and St Leonards before dropping down The steep hill of The Hale to Wendover. The scarred hillside caused by the HS2 works was visible in the distance. Indeed, when we used the Ellesborough road we were diverted onto a temporay road and bridge to cross the site of the new railway. A short ride north took us to our elevenses stop at the Bucks Goat centre. No goats were seen, but large coffees were consumed. Murray and John departed at this point to return home. We again had to divert to avoid the HS2 works. Afterwards we cut through the western suburbs of Aylesbury on fairly quiet roads and paths. After we went north over Pitchcott Hill we saw a procession of vintage tractors that were parading along. Good to see so many lady trqactor drivers! The lunch stop at the The Bell in Winslow provided us with a very welcome shady table as it was over 25°C and sunny. Afterwards we took the most direct route back to Berkhamsted where a few of us had a cold drink and an ice cream at The Crown JD Wetherspoon pub. Just over 51 miles round trip and a well designed route provided and led by Richard.
