100 Climbs Route: Day 25, Pateley Bridge to Lincoln

Ride level Experienced cyclist
Distance 118 mi / 190 km
Type of bicycle Road bike
Traffic Expect traffic

In August 2018, three Cycling UK members - Dominic Millar, Graham Salisbury and James Findlater – cycled a 3,300-mile, 29-day route around Britain to take on all 100 hills featured in Simon Warren’s book ‘100 Greatest Cycling Climbs’. This route plots day 25 of the journey, 118 miles from Pateley Bridge to Lincoln, taking in the climbs of Greenhow Hill, Norwood Edge and Michaelgate.

With a couple of hills to start the day and then a long ride down to Lincoln for a memorable finale, day 25 in this '100 Climb' tour is about searching out and ticking off some of the last remaining featured challenges.

Because Pateley Bridge is deep in the Nidderdale Aerea of Outstanding Beauty, it’s probably no surprise to hear that the day begins with a climb, and quite a big one. Greenhow Hill features four sections of tough climbing over 2.5 miles taking you up onto the moor. Make it to the top, though, and that's the first of three named climbs completed already.

From the summit, turn southwards to the hilariously-named Blubberhouses. Ride onwards to Newell, then head north-east to Farnley and north to take on Norwood Edge. It’s a tough start to this climb but the second half is far gentler and you may even start to enjoy it.

Retrace your tracks back to Farnley, then start the long zig-zagging journey south-east – around the top of Leeds – down to Lincoln.

Although Lincoln is the final destination for the day, it also holds a climbing treat in the form of Michaelgate. Before you hang up your pedalling shoes for the night, have a crack at this classic, cobbled, 1-in-6 city centre challenge. If you can, stay seated to give you more grip on the smooth, bumpy stones.

Make it to the top and it’s time to rest up – if your body ever stops throbbing! 

Read more about this route