Abbotswood to Broughton

Ride level Regular cyclist
Distance 20 mi / 32 km
Type of bicycle Road bike
Traffic Expect traffic
Circular route Yes
Broughton, Hampshire

Ruth Magennis is Cycling UK's Cycling Development Officer for Southampton.

This is a circular route in the quiet Hampshire hills courtesy of Southampton CTC, starting at Abbotswood near Romsey. It takes in the small villages of Michelmersh and Mottisfont before cycling up to Broughton, where you can stop halfway for a pub lunch in the Tally Ho Pub.

Heading out of Broughton down to Romsey Road and coming up to the Roman Road junction, the road goes straight on when looking at the map - but when riding it, it looks like you're turning right at the junction. Continue straight down to Lockerly, turning left at Butt's Green to take you through Dunbridge and Kimbridge respectively. From the Bear and Ragged Staff at Kimbridge to Timsbury, the cycle route moves to a rather narrow shared use cycle path, so take care. Finishing again outside Abbotswood.

There is a beautiful National Trust Property at Mottisfont that you may want to visit. Passing through Mottifont and taking Horsebridge Road up to Bossingdon, this is a very quiet road with a lovely view of the valley, although you can't quite see the River Test running through it.