Achnashellach, Torridon, Scottish Highlands by MBR Magazine

Ride level Experienced cyclist
Distance 14 mi / 23 km
Type of bicycle Mountain bike
Traffic Expect traffic
Circular route Yes
Taking on the ultimate Highlands challenge (Photo credit - Sam Needham)

Legendary British off-road magazine MBR reveals its favourite trail among the lesser-visited hills of the north-west Scottish Highlands. Prepare to be brave on potentially the best section of descent in the UK!

This route is a complete pain to get to and, as such, the very definition of rewarding mountain biking. From the outset, this splendidly isolated trail ascends consistently and gradually — rarely does such great altitude come so easily. Only in a few places will you need to switch your brain on, and this firm, stony trail is rideable in all conditions, offering considerable grip. Once over a small wooden bridge, the mountains start to close in, the trail steepens and the challenges begin. Some fighting spirit and strong legs will see you up most of the climb; only in a few places will the best have to push.

Up on Bealach Ban, you are greeted by one of the best views anywhere in the UK. To the north is the Liathach, a collection of Munros arranged along a West-East axis, and it’s here that the terrain of Torridon is at its most striking. At the lochan above the corrie, the fun begins with some fast, rocky singletrack around the water’s edge that’s a taste of what's to come. Drop into the Coire Lair on some loose rubble, barrel though a series of crests and dips and keep the power down as the glen opens out.

When a number of paths converge you’re at the beginning of arguably the best section of descent in the UK. The gneiss rock offers unrivalled grip and the turns keep coming — you might even find yourself laughing at the ridiculous quantity of grip on tap. By the time you rejoin the road, you’ll have climbed almost 2,500 feet and dropped it again in spectacular fashion. You may even have a sunset to pedal into on the way back to the start point.


Bring: food, water, spare brake pads, zip-ties, first aid kit, jacket, puncture repair kit, multi-tool with chain tool, pump, two inner tubes, phone.

Places along the route to stop: none!