Fleet Flyer

Ride level Regular cyclist
Distance 87 mi / 140 km
Type of bicycle Road bike
Traffic Expect traffic
Circular route Yes
Two cyclists on a country lane

The Fleet Flyer is an  event put on by Cycling UK Member Group Fleet Cycling to raise money for deserving causes close to the hearts of its members. 

The route is an exploration of some of the best countryside in Hampshire.

The ride starts in Fleet at Hart Leisure Centre but PLEASE NOTE IF YOU PARK AT THE LEISURE CENTRE FOR MORE THAN 3 HOURS THERE IS A £65 FINE - Cycling UK members should mention Fleet Cycling and enter their vehicle registration into the tablet computer at the reception desk and you can park all day, although a large group would need to seek advice beforehand.

The ride explores quiet roads to the west of Fleet, passing through Stratfield Saye, Bramley (coffee stop at Bramley Bakery by level crossing), Charter Alley, Ramsdell, then onto Hannington, the highest village in Hampshire. It then turns southwest to Whitchurch, where there are several good cafes. From Whitchurch to Stockbridge, the route follows the Test Valley for a stunning 13 miles. Plenty of refreshments are available in Stockbridge. The route now turns towards the east and skirts north of Winchester then north up the Candover Valley to Axford.

The best coffee stop before home is the Avenue Garden Centre at Lasham - the route passes directly past the garden centre. When you finish, enjoy a coffee at the Everyone Active Leisure Centre. 

Apart from crossing some main roads the route is on minor and unclassified roads and is usually quite quiet.


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