GPX file of Land's End to John o' Groats YHA route

Ride level Experienced cyclist
Distance 1024 mi / 1648 km
Type of bicycle Any
Traffic Expect traffic

Cycling from Land's End to John o' Groats is also known as doing the LEJOG  or the 'end to end'. It is Cycling UK's most iconic route and we have been helping people ride the entire length of the UK for many decades. It is a challenge that many thousands of people take on each year for charity or a personal ambition, Cycling UK's LEJOG pack and forum thread offers up-to-date advice that will help you complete this epic ride.

This is the original End to End YHA Route that was created many years ago when Youth Hostels were far more prevalent, this route stays very close to the original however there are some points along the way where you are no longer able to stay at a YHA and alternative accommodation would need to be sought. It is not the fastest route, but takes in quieter roads and as many hostel locations as possible. 

Cycling UK members can get half price membership and 10% off accommodation