Jura 80, East Sussex by Claire Pool at Jura Cycle Clothing

Ride level Experienced cyclist
Distance 80 mi / 129 km
Type of bicycle Road bike
Traffic Expect traffic
Circular route Yes
Cycling into the Sussex lanes

Claire Pool of British cycle clothing brand Jura takes us on this amalgamation of her favourite 30, 40 and 50-mile local cycle rides in rural East Sussex. 

With almost 7,000ft of elevation gain, you'll feel like you have ridden in the Jura mountains — albeit without the stunning mountainous scenery but instead the rolling hills of East Sussex, mixed in with lots of amazing churches and plenty of coffee (or beer) stops. This route certainly isn’t for the faint hearted. It resembles that of the local infamous Audax 'Mad Jack Fuller' except you can ride this at any time of the year, instead of freezing to death in February when the Audax is usually held.

Starting and finishing at the well known Six Bells pub you set off north towards Heathfield and Mayfield through Vines Cross. You then go back on yourself towards Burwash and up the notorious Willingford Lane which will leave you breathless. However, the stunning view are well worth length and gradient of this climb. You then head into Brightling and continue on into the town of Robertsbridge. I recommend Judges Bakery for a well-deserved coffee and a slice of cake.

You then continue past Salehurst and head south towards Cripps Corner, where you pick up the road heading straight to Rye. I advise you stop for lunch or some sort of break in this historic town which was one of the Cinq Ports. After this you enjoy a perfectly flat road for a good few miles until you get to Fairlight, where you then have a slog up Battery hill before heading into Ore and going north through Westfield. You have a few hundred metres up the nasty A21 before you head into Battle, where you can stop at the Bluebell cafe or look around Battle Abbey.

You then continue North through netherfield and Penshurst into the picturesque countryside around Ashburnham. Continue to Herstmonceux and Cowbeech and back to Horam where you go back on yourself for a mile and continue past the Gun (very nice pub) and finish back the Bells.