Pangbourne to Maidenhead, Berkshire by Timmy Mallett

Ride level Experienced cyclist
Distance 30 mi / 48 km
Type of bicycle Any
Traffic Expect traffic
Through the fields on the way to Maidenhead

Cycling UK member (and TV legend!) Timmy Mallett takes us on a fine ride from Pangbourne to Maidenhead.

I've chosen a 30-mile ride across beautiful Berkshire. It's mainly flat with some lovely towpath cycling along the Kennet and Avon Canal and along the river Thames. It also features a fair bit of military history, with some amazing World War 2 machine gun bunkers created to protect the country from possible invasion in 1940 and even a World War 2 crashed bomber site on the outskirts of Pinkneys Green.

It's not all fields and open countryside — Reading city centre in a safe and exciting cycling session, but it's easy to stay on track as large parts of the route follow NCN4. For thirsty riders, there are plenty of pubs for refreshment along the way and even a cyclist café in Warren Row.