Surrey to Sussex Saunter

Ride level Regular cyclist
Distance 66 mi / 106 km
Type of bicycle Road bike
Traffic Expect traffic
Circular route Yes
A signpost in Sussex

Cycling UK's Julie Rand cycled this route with her husband Roland in spring when the primroses and the beautiful fresh green shoots were at their best. Frolicking lambs, buds on the trees and early sunshine also add to the appeal of this route. There's a few hills but mostly not too challenging so moderate fitness required. 

Starting in Godalming Station, Surrey - fast frequent trains to London, Portsmouth, Haslemere and Guildford - this route takes you out into the glorious, unspoilt lanes of the Weald that separates the Surrey Hills from the South Downs. Beautiful villages, pretty cottages and remote woodland are your companions on this ride, along with pheasants, sheep, cattle and horses in the lush green meadows. Leaving Godalming, you pass through the quaint villages of Dunsfold, Plaistow and Kirdford as you mostly descend southwards towards the coast - all these villages have delighftul pubs, village greens and there is also a coffee shop in Dunsfold and a great deli/cafe/village store in Kirdford, which makes a perfect stopping point.

Once out of Kirdford, you are rolling downhill again towards the South Downs National Park on fantastic, winding lanes with spectacular views left and right. Cross over the busy A283 and head towards the first serious bit of climbing for a while up to Bignor Roman Villa (you can bypass this if you wish by heading straight to West Burton) then down to Bury and across the A29 and down towards Amberley, where you will find the fascinating Amberley Museum and Heritage Centre. Stop in the village for lunch before heading home or catching a train down to Arundel and the coast - unfortunately there's not many options to ride as the main road is very busy although there's a lane and bridleway route if your bike can cope with a bit of off-road.

The return leg through Coldwaltham, Fittleworth and Loxwood is equally delightful but noticeably harder as you ascend back towards the Surrey Hills again.