The Talla Loop - the sane way by Brenda Mitchell

Ride level Regular cyclist
Distance 50 mi / 80 km
Type of bicycle Road bike
Traffic Expect traffic
Circular route Yes
Brenda Mitchell out on the Talla Loop

Brenda Mitchell is the founder of the specialist law firm Cycle Law Scotland, and the founding member of the Cycling UK-affiliated group Belles on Bikes in the Borders. She was named one of this year's 100 Women in Cycling.

The Talla loop (the sane way) starts and ends in the lovely Borders town of Peebles. It’s a 50-mile loop taking in some of the best scenery you will find anywhere on a bicycle. The route itself is quite challenging but it avoids the infamous Talla (20%) climb as you approach it from the east and simply have to ride down it as opposed to up it!

The route starts from the Kingsmeadows car park next to the Tweed and meanders along the Tweed Valley as far as Traquair before heading up over the Paddy Slacks and down to the Gordon Arms. This is potentially your first stop (around 18 miles) for some great cake and coffee. Fuelled up, you will then head west along the edge of St Mary’s loch before turning off towards Tweedsmuir, which you will eventually get to having negotiated your way past both Megget and Talla reservoirs.

Taking on the Talla Loop the sane way!

At Tweedsmuir, you will head North on the A701 towards Broughton. This is the busiest road you will encounter for most of the trip and even then, you may only see a few cars on it. Before you reach Broughton, you will turn right and head towards Stobo passing Dawyck Botanic Gardens (around 40 miles) where you can refuel once again and enjoy some more coffee and cake. You will definitely have earned it! The ride back to Peebles from Dawyck is pretty flat and uneventful but you need to be a little careful when you reach the A72 as it is the main route between Peebles heading West and so has more cars on it. All of the locals are pretty used to folk on bikes so there’s nothing to worry about. You’ll pass Neidpath Castle, dating back to 1190, on your right as you head down the hill and back into Peebles and over the bridge back to the car park.

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