Wayfarer's Over the Top

Ride level Regular cyclist
Distance 42 mi / 67 km
Type of bicycle Mountain bike
Traffic Expect traffic
Circular route Yes

A journey back into the annals of cycling history, as you follow in the wheel tracks of Walter Macgregor Robinson aka Wayfarer, and his ride "Over the Top" on the final weekend of March 1919 in the Berwyn mountains of north Wales -  ridden 104 years later to the weekend.

An account of this ride through the wilds of north Wales was published in the June-July edition of Cycle magazine. 

Best ridden on a mountain bike for comfort, or a fixed wheel drop handle bar bike for authenticity, this is a majestic ride that starts at the cycle-friendly West Arms in Llanarmon Dyffryn Ceiriog.

From there you head up an old drovers’ way to the Wayfarer memorial at Nant Rhyd Wilym in the Berwyn Mountains. There’s a steep descent and then road to Corwen when you can refuel before going back up over the top of Llantysilio mountain.

Loop back taking in the stunning views from World’s End to Berwyn and then quiet if hilly return by road to Llanarmon Dyffryn Ceiriog.